Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Alien carnivores' diet in New South Wales

Meeks, P.D. & B. Triggs. 1998. The food of foxes, dogs and cats on two peninsulas in Jervis Bay, New South Wales. Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales 120: 117-127

European Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (L.), Dog Canis lupus familiaris/dingo (L.), and Cat Felis catus (L.) scats were analysed to assess the food, and report on the diet of these predators from two peninsulas at Jervis Bay, NSW. The main food items of V. vulpes comprise mammal, Pseudocheirus peregrinus (26.8%) on Bherwerre Peninsula, and Rattus rattus (37.9%) on Beecroft Peninsula. Invertebrates, vegetation and birds were also important food items of V. vulpes on both peninsulas. The diet of C. lupus familiaris consisted mainly of Wallabia bicolor on both peninsulas, while P. peregrinus, Oryctolagus cuniculus and R. rattus were also eaten. F. catus favoured mammals over invertebrates, birds and vegetation. An important finding from the survey was the occurrence of four locally endangered species; Pseudomys gracilicaudatus, Sminthopsis leucopus and Litoria aurea on Bherwerre Peninsula and Rattus lutreolus on Beecroft Peninsula. Differences in predator food preferences between Beecroft and Bherwerre reflect the differences in prey diversity on each peninsula, and supports the theory that V. vulpes and F. catus are opportunistic feeders that select the most abundant food items. In contrast C. lupus familiaris were more selective and favoured medium to large macropods.

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