Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Monday 6 June 2016

Stray dogs life in Quetta city of Balochistan

Taj, M. K., Taj, I., Mustafa, M. Z., Hassani, T. M., Samad, A., Asadullah, A. A., ... & Samreen, Z. Stray dogs life in Quetta city of Balochistan. HFSP Journal - HFSP Publishing, 9 (7), 36-40.

Different life style aspects of the stray dog population were investigated in Quetta city (Balochistan/Pakistan). The living of stray dogs is influenced by the cultural and eating habits of the human population. In residential area garbage stack provide leftover food, while in commercial area hotels, bakeries, fast food points contribute to stray dog feeding. City poultry retailers and local slaughter houses also play an important role in feeding stray dogs. Stray dogs live in groups that are basically one family units. Group size in stray dogs varies greatly, ranging from 3-6 individuals per group. Behavioral observations revealed forming occasional groups with hierarchical dominance for communal defense of a territory and development of long-term affiliative bonds among group members. In groups stray dogs cause extensive damage once they begin attack livestock. The most common diseases found in stray dogs are fleas, ear mites, mange, worms and rabies. Stray dogs breed twice a year and all the mating recorded in this study took place between August and December with a peak in late monsoon months (September to November) showing a prolonged mating period.

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