Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Friday 7 November 2014

Feral cats eradicated from Tasman Island

Feral cats eradicated from Tasman Island


Tasman Island’s sea birds are on the road to recovery following the success of a program to eradicate feral cats and restore the island’s natural values.

The Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, Brian Wightman, said a final check of the island last week by staff from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment found no sign of feral cats and the island has been declared free from feral cats.

The program to eradicate cats from the 120 hectare island, which forms part of the Tasman National Park, began in 2008. Detailed research and planning was undertaken and an eradication plan was produced in 2009.

Tasman Island is home to Australia’s largest colony of fairy prions and it was estimated that the island’s feral cat population of about 50 was killing approximately 50,000 fairy prions and other sea birds each year.

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