Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Dog bites and rabies in Nigeria

Nwokeukwu, H. (2014, August). Dog bites and public health intervention in a tertiary health institution, South Eastern Nigeria. In The 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology (17-21 August 2014, Anchorage, AK). WCE.

Introduction: Human dog-bite injuries are a major public health problem, particularly where there are large populations of free-roaming or street dogs. Dog bites are also the major source of human rabies infections. Since rabies fatality rate is about 100% it is important to look at the dog bites that can lead to it and a way of preventing such occurrence. Objective: To determine cases of dog bites and describe intervention taken after a rabid patient..

Methods: Dog bites cases where collected from immunization records from 2009 to 2013. The cases were then analyzed with excel and Epi –info. Unvariate analysis was carried out. The intervention given by public health team due to a rabid patient that died was described. The team went to the village of the rabid patient and conducted Health Education.

Results: The total numbers of Dog bites since in immunization clinic were 58 cases. Out of these males were 30(52%) and females were 28(48%). The children less than 18years were 31(54%) while the adults were 27(47%). The children 0-5years were 11(19%).However children the males 20(65%) and females 11 (35%) while among the adults the females 17(61%) were more than the males 10(39%)..The greatest number of dog bites 23(40%) was in 2013. The community with rabid patient, only the dog of the chief was immunized.

Conclusion and Recommendation: Recent increase of Dog bites in 2013 calls for urgent intervention. The dogs are not immunized there is need to get all the dogs immunized by their owners and get rid of stray dogs knowing the fatality of rabies.

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