Jarvis and Howlnad
R.D. Kirkpatrick and Mark J. Rauzon. 1986. Foods of Feral Cats Felis catus on Jarvis and Howland Islands, Central Pacific Ocean. Biotropica, 18 (1): 72-75
Fitzgerald, B.M.; Kark, B.J. & Veitch, C.R. 1991. The diet of feral cats (Felis catus) on Raoul Island, Kermadec Group. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 15(2): 123-129.
Feral cats became established on Raoul Island some time between 1836 and 1872; the prey available to them included a great variety of nesting seabirds, few of which are present now, landbirds and kiore (Rattus
exulans). Norway rats reached the island in 1921, providing additional prey for cats, but also another potential predator of seabirds. The diet of cats is described from guts and scats collected between 1972 and 1980. Rats are the main food, with land birds second in importance, and seabirds are now a minor item. More than 90% of the rats eaten by cats are kiore although more Norway rats than kiore are trapped. Eradicating cats from Raoul Island is feasible but because Norway rats too are important predators of birds on islands, it is likely that eradicating cats without also eradicating Norway rats will do little to restore the diversity of bird species on Raoul Island, although the densities of a few species now present might be increased.Hawai'i
Hess, S. C.; Hansen, H.; Nelson, D.; Swift, R. & Banko, P. C. 2007. Diet of feral cats in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Pacific Conservation Biology, 13: 244–249.
Feral cat Felis catus home range in a Hawaiian montane wet forest and their diet in three habitats - montane wet forest, subalpine dry forest, and lowland dry forest - were determined to provide baseline ecological data and to assess potential impacts to native terrestrial fauna. Seven cats (three males and four females) were captured in 624 trap nights. Mean weight of adult cats was 2.85 0.27 (SE) kg for males and 1.87 0.03 kg for females. Mean diurnal home range using the adaptive kernel method was 5.74 2.73 km2 for three males and 2.23 0.44 km2 for two females. Daytime locations were always within the montane wet forest with the borders on one or more sides of the home ranges of all cats defined by open grassland pastures. Rodents comprised the majority of the cat diets in all three habitats, with the frequencies of occurrence between 0.88 and 0.91. Bird remains were a regular component of the diet of cats, with montane wet forest having the highest frequency of occurrence (0.68), followed by subalpine dry forest (0.53). and lowland dry forest (0.21).
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